Lessons & Services

Electric Guitar, Bass and Acoustic
How to Tune
Learn your favourite songs (I can simplify them for Beginners)
Common Chords & Chord Theory
Alternate / Economy / Sweep picking
2 Handed Muting and Tapping
Pinched and Natural Harmonics
Modal Scale Theory and Harmony
Learn how to write your own music
Ear Training
Memory Training
Backing Tracks
Tab & Music reading
Effects Use
Cubase / DAW recording with guitar
Guitar Setups and Pickup replacements
Advice on building a PC based DAW
Guitar Dep work
Bass Dep work
Music Transcription 
Bespoke Music for Video
Songs written to your Lyrics or Melodies
I can record Guitar, Bass & Keyboard parts for your own tracks to import into your own DAW in WAV or MP3 Format.